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Trying to slow down how quickly myopia (short-sightedness) gets worse is called myopia management. Some treatments have been developed for this, including specially designed contact lenses and glasses. Current evidence suggests that using special contact lenses or glasses may reduce progression of the level of myopia by 40% to 60%. This reduction is usually seen over one to three years, but most of this effect happens early on during treatment. Treatment may need to be continued to maintain this reduction.

If myopia management is successful, this may mean your child grows up with a lower level of myopia than they would have had without treatment. This means that:

Myopia management may reduce the risk of your child developing myopia-related eye problems in adulthood, but it will not take away this risk altogether. Being less myopic may mean your child is slightly less likely to be affected by serious eye conditions in the future, but we do not yet
have enough evidence to be sure of this.

Although a lot of research has already taken place, it will take many more years before we fully understand how successful myopia management can be. This includes whether myopia will start to get worse again after the treatment has stopped.

What are the options for myopia management?

There are two main treatments to try to reduce the progression of myopia:

These treatments work by changing how light is focussed on different parts of the retina while providing clear vision.


There are specially designed glasses for myopia management. They look the same as standard glasses but change the focus in the peripheral vision. Your child would wear these in a similar way to standard glasses.

Contact lenses

There are two types of contact lenses which may be used to manage myopia:

Is one myopia management treatment more effective than another?

Based on current research, orthokeratology lenses are the most effective at slowing down the growth of the eye. Myopia management glasses and myopia management contact lenses have similar results in terms of reducing the level of myopia.

What age can my child start myopia management treatment?

There is no minimum age when myopia management treatment can be started. However, for contact lens and orthokeratology treatments your child needs to be old enough to be able to carefully use and look after their lenses. Your optometrist will show them how.

Is myopia management safe?

Wearing myopia management glasses does not have any more risks than wearing standard glasses.

The risks of wearing contact lenses to manage myopia are similar to the risks of wearing standard contact lenses. Some people experience mild discomfort and occasional blurred vision.

With all types of contact lenses there is also a low risk of serious complications, such as corneal infections, that may result in sight loss. There is a higher risk of complications associated with wearing contact lenses overnight. Orthokeratology lenses are more likely to cause discomfort, particularly in children.

If your child wears any contact lenses, it is important that they follow your optometrist’s advice about hygiene and caring for the lenses to prevent complications. It is also important, that they have regular contact lens check-ups. Children can be just as good as adults at using contact lenses.

Common questions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of myopia management?



The evidence does not currently tell us whether the long-term benefits of myopia management outweigh the risks of treatment. Despite this, children with myopia who are being considered for standard glasses or contact lenses could also be considered for myopia-management treatments.

Will my child still need to wear glasses or contact lenses after myopia management?

It is very likely that your child will still need to wear glasses or contact lenses even if the treatment to manage their myopia has been successful. However, they are likely to have a lower level of myopia than they may have had without myopia management.

How will I know whether myopia management is working?

Your child’s optometrist should discuss how they plan to monitor how well the treatment is working depending on your child’s age. They may measure the growth of their eye and the level of myopia to check progression. They may use a calculator to predict your child’s expected level of myopia and
assess the reduction in the development of myopia. However, it is not possible to know for certain how much their myopia development has reduced and how successful their treatment has been.

Your child may not respond to myopia management treatment as expected. They may need to change to a different treatment, or try a combination of treatments if the first choice doesn’t work.

When will my child be able to stop using myopia management contact lenses?

There is not yet enough evidence from research to provide clear guidance on when and how to end the treatment. Experts and health professionals currently believe that children should stop using myopia management in their late teens or when the level of myopia stabilises. Your child may need to continue to have treatment, or they may need to restart their treatment if their myopia starts to get worse again.

Will myopia management prevent my child from losing their sight in adulthood?

There is limited evidence about the long-term results of myopia management. Myopia management may reduce the risk of your child having eye problems as a result of high myopia later in life. However, it is very likely that there will still be some risk of myopia-related eye problems in the future. It is not possible to remove the risk completely.

Does playing outdoors affect myopia in children?

Spending time outdoors does appear to help prevent or delay myopia in children at higher risk of developing it. It may also encourage an active lifestyle, which is good for general health.

Does using a screen affect myopia in children?

It is not clear whether near activities (such as reading or using a screen or mobile device) are associated with myopia development. Some studies show that the length of time your child spends doing near activities may be
linked to myopia development while others show that reducing time spent on near activities does not appear to reduce myopia development or rate of progression.

However, spending time on these activities might mean your child will spend less time outdoors, and we know that time spent outdoors can help prevent myopia. Taking regular breaks and reducing time spent on non-essential screen use or near activities can also help keep the eyes feel comfortable.

What happens if I choose not to have myopia management treatment?

Your child will still be prescribed traditional glasses or contact lenses if they are diagnosed with myopia. These will improve how well your child can see, but will not slow myopia progression. Your child may be at a slightly higher risk of being affected by conditions that can lead to sight loss later in life compared to people with normal vision. But these conditions can be treated and the risk of developing these conditions is small.

I can’t afford myopia management treatment – are there cheaper options to treat my child?

Myopia management is not currently funded by the NHS in any part of the UK. That means you have to pay for it. Myopia management treatments are more expensive than traditional glasses or contact lenses.

This information should not replace advice that your optometrist or other relevant health professional gives you.

For more information, please talk to your local optometrist.

Last reviewed: November 2024