According to the Eye Health UK, DIY activity in the home and garden is the cause of more than 20,000 eye injuries each year. Some of these have led to serious permanent eye damage and loss of sight. Make sure you protect your eyes whenever and wherever you are doing DIY:
- Wear protective eyewear for activities where there is a risk of objects or liquids entering your eye, for example when hammering, drilling, welding, painting ceilings or laying insulation. Ordinary glasses and sunglasses do not offer good enough protection. Invest in good quality goggles or safety glasses that conform to the European Standard BSEN 166. Your optometrist can prescribe prescription safety googles.
- Don’t touch your face until you have washed your hands, otherwise you could transfer dust or chemicals to your eyes.
- Do not work alone – always have some else available in case you need help.
- Keep a first aid kit and phone handy.
In the case of an accident:
- Do not rub your eye. This may make matters worse.
- Go to A&E as soon as possible.
- Never wash a cut or punctured eye. Cuts should be bandaged lightly if possible. Abrasions will need hospital treatment with drops, ointments and a sterile pad over the eye for at least 24 hours. Lacerations are far more painful and may require medication and eye ointment and stitching of any torn tissue.