To mark 6/6 (6 June 2020), the College of Optometrists has issued advice for the general public to help them look after their eyes while some may be spending more time than ever looking at screens. 6/6 and 20/20 are lines on a sight test chart that many people refer…
Many of us wear eye make up every day without any problems, but remember your eyes can be very sensitive and it’s important that you treat them with care – especially when trying out extra dramatic looks. Here are the most important things to bear in mind, if you want…
What are itchy eyes? When we say we have itchy eyes, we actually mean that we have an irritation of the eye lid/s, usually around the eyelash area but it can also be an irritation of the clear membrane that covers the eye. Itchy eyes are often a symptom of…
Trying to slow down how quickly myopia (short-sightedness) gets worse is called myopia management, or myopia control. A number of treatments have been developed for this, including specially designed contact lenses and glasses, and are increasingly available in the UK. Current evidence suggests that using special contact lenses or glasses…
17 October 2019 Souleyman Bah, a contestant on The Apprentice who was fired last night, has a rare eye condition called RP. Daniel Hardiman-McCartney, Clinical Adviser to the College of Optometrists provides the below information about the condition: Like many people affected by visual impairment Souleyman Bah shows that life…
20 September 2019 Today sees the release of Apple’s new operating system IOS 13. One of the headline features is a dark mode setting, described as a beautiful colour scheme for night use. It is also said it may make it easier on your eyes, and many people may already…
Express, 17 July 2019 The recent training regime advice from Grimes, given as part of Adidas’s training campaign, includes some comments about experimental surgery to eliminate blue light. Whilst we absolutely respect any person’s choice to try new or alternative treatments, the comments, which have been received as health advice…
Daily Mail, 21 May 2019 You may have read in the Daily Mail that advertisements for iSpyEyes coloured contact lenses have been banned from Instagram by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). The College of Optometrists welcomes the ruling that iSpyEyes should remove its adverts regarding its plano (zero-powered) contact lenses….
Metro, 21 May 2019 You may have read a recent news article sharing Mel B’s experience briefly losing her sight due to an inflammation of the eye, also known as uveitis (21 May 2019). Here’s what our Clinical Adviser, Dr Susan Blakeney FCOptom, had to say: “Uveitis is a condition…
Ski-ing and winter sports High altitudes and the reflective properties of snow can increase ultraviolet (UV) exposure, so, it’s important that you wear the appropriate protective eyewear when holidaying in snowy resorts and taking part in winter sports. People with light coloured eyes are most at risk from sun damage,…