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22 October 2019

Thinking of creating an eye-popping make-up look this Halloween? You might be surprised to know that false eyelashes, glitter and novelty contact lenses can cause a serious scare when it comes to eye health.

As top bloggers/influencers including Patrick Starr and Jamie Genevieve promote their Halloween make-up ideas, The College of Optometrists has issued some advice to consider when deciding on your own make-up look:

Further information and advice to help look after your eyes can be found on the College’s Look After Your Eyes website.


Notes to Editors

  1. *Images of eye infections caused by false eyelashes available upon request*
  2. *Spokespeople available for comment if required*
  3. The College is the professional body for optometry. We qualify the profession and deliver the guidance and training to ensure optometrists provide the best possible care. We promote excellence through the College’s affixes, by building the evidence base for optometry, and raising awareness of the profession with the public, commissioners, and health care professionals.

October 23, 2019